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Nam’s Tree Song

This was a spontaneous moment on an artist residency last October 2021 in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan. Our group of artists were exploring the largest protected tropical forest in China. We arrived at a giant buttress tree and took a rest and some photos. Dai zu artist Nam broke out into this short song of joy. Accompanying her on beats is fellow Dai zu artist Tie Farong. It only lasted 25 seconds but I was very glad to have been next to her to catch this moment.

Nam  is from Xishuuanbanna  Yunnan. Her monk name is Ānandī (欢喜 ) meaning happy .

Open Call for your tree story on video 

Memory Palace of Trees is socio-ecological art practice which invites your participation to tell a story (or give some kind of information) about trees. It is a social enquiry of how to live better with the planet and with people by sharing tree stories.

Memory Palace of Trees will continue throughout 2022. The submissions are video format. If you have a story you can tell in less than a minute, please find your favorite tree and video yourself on your phone telling the story. I can help with adding the English or Chinese subtitles. Please ensure the sound quality of your recording is clear as possible. If you have any questions about this. Also, If you are in Beijing I can meet up with you and assist in the filming.

Looking forward to hearing from you.I can be contacted directly on this platform.