
Delighted to get this tree story from a dear neighbour and good friend Sonia Gibbons. The Yew Trees near her gate have some special local history and contain the story of moving a church brick by brick across the river.


Sonia’s Words:

My home is built on the grounds of the former St Anne’s Church. Built in the 1840’s by Colonel Bruen.

Colonel Bruen felt there was a need, coupled with some of the parishioners, for Church on his domain

and he proceeded to build St Anne’s Church. The beautiful wall outside is flanked by two ancient Yew Trees.

If those trees could talk they could tell a lot of tales.

The Church was taken down in 1926, moved across the river and built as a catholic church

now known as St Clares ’s Church.

Two yew trees remain flanking either side of the gate.


Open Call for your tree story on video 

Memory Palace of Tree Stories is a socio-ecological art practice which invites you to tell a story or share information about trees . It is a creative-led social enquiry of how we can live well for both personal and collective wellbeing. Your story can be any kind of tree story , a personal tree story, an ecological tree story , an environmental tree story, an historical tree story or even a botanical tree story. I do hope you can contribute a comment on how we can live better with the greater community of life.


The year 2023 we continue to gather your stories in the form of one minute videos and we are really looking forward to hearing your tree story . I can be contacted directly on this platform or on the contact page on this website.

Niamh Cunningham